[Kzyxtalk] Response to Netanyahu Speech -- on KMEC Radio, Monday, March 9, at 1 PM

sako4 at comcast.net sako4 at comcast.net
Fri Mar 6 14:11:44 PST 2015

Response to Netanyahu Speech: Israel Destabilizes the Nuclear Balance, Not Iran 

On March 2, on the program “Democracy Now,” Noam Chomsky said in reply to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claims regarding Iran’s nuclear program: “The striking aspect of this is the chutzpah involved. Israel has had nuclear weapons for probably 50 years, 40 years — estimates are 100, 200 weapons. They are an aggressive state — Israel’s invaded Lebanon five times, it’s carrying out an illegal occupation, carries out brutal attacks, like on Gaza last summer.” 

Chomsky added that a crucial fact is that “even if Iran” were developing a nuclear weapon, “it would be part of deterrent,” given Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal. See video beginning at 31:30. Link to video: http://www.democracynow.org/shows/2015/3/2 

While the U.S. government has continued a policy with Israel of neither confirming nor denying the existence of Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal since the Nixon administration, researchers have just obtained release of U.S. government documents “detailing the U.S. government’s extensive help to Israel in that nation’s development of a nuclear bomb,” reports Courthouse News. 

Courthouse News continues: “The government fought to delay release of the 386-page report in hearings before Judge Tanya Chutkan in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, who expressed skepticism with the government’s reasons for refusing to provide a single unclassified document. 

See: http://rt.com/usa/232203-us-israel-nuclear-weapon/ 

See: http://www.courthousenews.com/2015/02/12/nuc%20report.pdf 

On Monday, March 9, John Sakowicz and Sid Cooperrider at KMEC Radio explore Israel's secret nuclear weapons program, and the consequences for peace in the Middle East, with guests Mark Gaffney and Jennifer Loewenstein. 

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Gaffney is the author of Dimona: the Third Temple, a pioneering study of Israel’s nuclear weapons program. He recently wrote: "After many years of official hypocrisy, a U.S. president appears to be playing hardball with Israel. The other day, the U.S. government declassified a 1987 report documenting Israel’s secret nuclear weapons program." 

See: http://www.gnosticsecrets.com/pages/dimona.htm 


Associate Director of the Middle East Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Loewenstein just wrote the piece "Netanyahu in Congress," which states: "Either Netanyahu doesn’t read the news, [or] he is hoping that nobody else notices Israel’s de facto alliance with ISIS, or he is more concerned with poking Obama in the eye publicly than in the future of his country, a fact that would not surprise me. Focusing on the dangerous forces lurking in his “neighborhood”, Netanyahu singles out Iran, Lebanon (by which he presumably means Hezbollah), Syria, and Hamas. Unlike most Americans, Netanyahu views the potential of a nuclear capable Iran as a greater threat to regional stability than the spread of ISIS and extremist groups, such as al-Qaida." 

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Loewenstein 

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