[Kzyxtalk] Board meeting

doug mckenty dougmck at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 14:35:50 PST 2014

I'm rooting for you Joel.


On Tuesday, March 4, 2014, Joel Waldman <poet at mcn.org> wrote:

> All quite as refreshing as using a dolly.
> Perhaps as a minority of a minority, the least politically-correct local
> Joker in the neighborhood, do you think EVEN I
> might get a chance back on the air?
> Joel Waldman
> On Mar 4, 2014, at 1:49 PM, doug mckenty wrote:
> Yes,
> I thought it was a great meeting.  The board published the agenda before
> hand, which I really appreciated.  There was some discussion from Meg about
> better instituting Roberts Rules of Order.  Norman, maybe you could contact
> her, she sounded like she could use some help with this?  Everyone got
> their time to speak, including Sakowitz, the obvious minority voice.  I
> especially liked Stuarts message about creating a space for "dissident" (or
> alternative) voices and Holly's notion that the board needs to move on as
> there is a lot of work to be done.  Eliane produced a document outlining
> the responsibilities of a board member that is required reading for all new
> board members, but had not been seen by most of the rest of the board and
> everybody got on the same page.
> The institution of the CAB and the operation of this years contested
> election has been a giant leap forward from prior years and I applaud
> Stuart again for his efforts to make both of these happen.  The board still
> needs to implement the committee system and write a strategic plan and I
> think we need to have a debate about the programmers advisory committee and
> really about the mission statement as well.  What does "membership control"
> mean?  And how do we ensure the programming "gives access to all points of
> view?
> Doug McKenty
> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014, Tim Bray <tbray at wildblue.net<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','tbray at wildblue.net');>>
> wrote:
>>  I stuck my head in the door but had to leave just as Eliane was ending
>> her opening remarks, around 6:25.  She did mention three things I thought
>> were significant:
>> 1.  The CAB is populated and has begun meeting.  I think three of its
>> members were in attendance, including Steve Fish from Anderson Valley.
>> (Kudos to Stuart Campbell, who apparently did most of the work to revive
>> the CAB.)
>> 2.  There is now an easy way for people to communicate directly with
>> Board members, or the whole Board, through a mailto link on the KZYX
>> Website.  (Kudos to Stuart Campbell for managing that as well.)
>> 3.  Open Lines will be reinstated soon, with rotating hosts, including
>> Doug.  (Not sure if Stuart had anything to do with that.)
>> The room was packed.  I saw people from Willits, Ukiah, and the AV in
>> addition to many coastal friends.
>> My spy told me most of the speakers, including Board members, were
>> lambasting Sakowicz; apparently the phrase "tired of being bullied" came up
>> more than once, and the AVA's reporter was not well-received either.  King
>> Collins came in late, just before I left, carrying a box; which I gather
>> contained some props for his speech, crystals or semiprecious stones that
>> were supposed to be metaphors for... something, it wasn't quite clear.
>> Sako apparently used most of his 3 minutes to talk about... himself.
>> (John, did you really say "The blood of heroes flows through my veins?")
>> Anybody want to provide more detail or "color" as the analysts say?
>> Tim
>>  --
>> Oak & Thorn <http://oakandthorn.wordpress.com>
>> Facebook: Oak and Thorn
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