[Kzyxtalk] How to approach the board?

King Collins king at greenmac.com
Sun Jun 8 00:48:32 PDT 2014

Dear and KZYXtalk folks,

In my discussion with Norm, I said the KZYX talk has already proven itself, and he said that the list was not going away.  Everyone agrees that much has been learned. We have a good mix of critics, apologists, realists, dreamers, and people who want to get things done.  It is the only place where all points of view are accepted, and therefore the only place where real solutions can be found. 

We are concerned about our community radio station: The FCC and the KZYX license renewal, how programming decisions are made, lack of local news, censorship and dismissal of qualified programmers, mistreatment of volunteers, and other unresolved maters.

Our elected board is legally accountable to us and at the very least they should communicate with us. Furthermore, the board cannot resolve our station’s problems without our help. You don’t have to be a social scientist to know that solutions come out of discussions with everyone concerned. The board (not to mention management) should be communicating with the concerned members. 

How to approach the board?

1) Norm thinks we should write and talk to the board members as individuals. Actually this has been going on for some time. Not systematically, but at various times by various people. Doug for example has talked to several board members at length, and most recently said that he is very discouraged by the lack of progress.

2) Others have suggested we should compose an open letter signed by a number of people, from this list, and others like John McCowen who has been particularly outspoken. 

3) Another approach is to petition for a bylaw change to require the board to communicate. It takes 5% of members to put such a measure on the ballot. If passed it would take effect in 2015.

4) Another tactic is for a member or members to initiate a suit against Mendocino County Public Radio to enforce the California nonprofit code, which is where the language about board accountability comes from. 

Comments? Action?

For KZYXtalk
King Collins
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